"Private detective


Detective Agency

Novaia leshnia

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I have lost money from the card, a fairly large amount. The agency found that they were transferred to your account on the internet fraudsters. Even established who they are now set the truth in court.

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I have my own small business in the field of wholesale sales. Earn money are not that big, but often have to transport goods over long distances, to be honest, after being on TV naslyshishsya about all sorts of horrors, very scary expensive to transport goods. I decided on this case, it is better to pay for the maintenance of goods, but be calm. Friends advised your agency, has repeatedly ordered the escort. While pleased, all delivered fully intact. Plus even organize everything yourself, it…

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I helped the agency establish effective internal control in the company, after which I clearly understand who is doing what my employees during working hours and optimized state.

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Surveillance specialists

Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.