"Private detective


Detective Agency

Velikii omelianik

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For me the important thing is that my child was OK, I did not trust anybody can. Covert video surveillance of the nanny at the third attempt helped me to find the right candidate.

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I have lost money from the card, a fairly large amount. The agency found that they were transferred to your account on the internet fraudsters. Even established who they are now set the truth in court.

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Vera V.

I opened a small shop in the city, but somehow it was not very vytorg . Thought maybe the range is not one or chose the wrong place . A colleague suggested that there may be more problems with the service , all the staff because the new , few professional salespeople who know their business . She told me about the service mystery shopping , which supposedly helps to look the part on the work of their subordinates. I dare. Your man has opened my eyes to why my shop is not popular in the city. Now…

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Surveillance specialists

Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.