"Private detective


Detective Agency


In this section, we will be posting all kinds of useful information. Articles, news, reports, analysis, etc. Selection of this information is based on subjective considerations. Put that in our opinion it interesting and useful. And it does not necessarily have to conform to our views, we are unconcerned about the fact that for each subject there are many points of view.

Where to hire a person for surveillance

How to establish surveillance of a person

Stream at radio station "Nashe Radio"

Private detective in Ukrainian

MP proposes to legalize the country's private investigation Russian Sherlock Holmes now work virtually outside the law. Their activities are teetering on the brink of, what is not forbidden is allowed. And they themselves seem to exist, but not quite. After all, most Ukrainian private detective agencies registered as mass media (the media). But now private investigators offer to withdraw from the shadows into the light.

The "Special Forces" of the detective.


I suspect that some of my staff merges the information to a competitor. Suspicion fell on very close to my people, as subjugate facts known only to a very narrow circle of subordinates. Secret surveillance of detective agencies has helped to establish that all merged my first deputy, whom I had never even thought of that.

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I helped the agency establish effective internal control in the company, after which I clearly understand who is doing what my employees during working hours and optimized state.

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I needed a car for operational verification of theft when buying a new car. Dumb was such an expensive car to take her hands. Wanted all sides to make sure that everything is OK. Thank you for helping to understand the situation.

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Surveillance specialists

Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.