"Private detective


Detective Agency

Where can I make fingerprints

From the side it may seem that in the removal of fingerprints there is nothing complicated, and absolutely anyone can do this, most importantly, that there is a certain tool for this. But in fact, dactyloscopic examination is a process that requires the direct participation of experienced specialists. And here it is important to take into account all the nuances when taking prints from objects or directly from people. Therefore, if you need a fingerprint service, you can contact our detective agency at any time.

We only have experienced specialists who will not make mistakes in the process of taking prints from the subject. After all, here sometimes it is required to work in jewelry. There are also cases when prints have to be restored in bitterness. And despite the fact that today in any direction of work high computer technologies are used, no one has abolished the human factor, in the good sense of that word.

We can provide you this service as an independent kind of work, and in conjunction with other services of our agency, since fingerprinting has to be done in the process of disclosing crimes, when searching for missing people, when identifying a person. Situations are very different. But if you have a question about where to make fingerprints, now you know where to call.


I suspected that his wife was cheating on me . Frankly, such a thought I frequented , because I'm jealous to the horror , but this time it was on the face. I smoked on the balcony and saw that she was taken home by car , not just a car , but on a steep Mazda. I'm on a wheelbarrow in a lifetime does not accumulate . I'm at the door told her about it , but my wife just laughed in response . Escaped with the excuse that I'm paranoid. But I turned to the private investigator . Checking the wife of…

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