"Private detective


Detective Agency

Verification of staff


Of course, for each firm is one of the important missions to find and create a skilled, dedicated and honest staff in the enterprise. But how to properly maintain mutual trust within the team? How to recognize a dishonest employee or candidate for the office?

Introduction of workflow polygraph examination ( polygraph test ) , as well as answers to incriminating questions and conversations ( questionnaire) with a psychologist - is a single procedure "Checking staff ." Recently, almost all of our country , adopting western counterparts positive impact this service to maintain the microclimate inside the state , began to introduce her to him.

Verification of staff is divided into several types, depending on the degree of implementation of a person's life and the level of " mining " the right answer to the question posed by his superiors . It can be as deep (research , holding enough time to analyze the information from the start of career) and surface (the study of a particular issue ) , group ( study group of persons of a particular department ) or sole (check specific employee or candidate for the office ) .

Checking can help make important decisions - to take or not to take leave or be dismissed, trusted or not . After dethroning in place mishandled spy competitors, without the necessary checks can simply destroy the company constant drain on the side of confidential information .

Detective Agency " Private detective Luck " , which specializes in this service can not only offer high-quality resolution of interest issue, but also to entice workers to full investigation of the situation . This will identify dishonest employees , the occurrence of theft , sheltering from the heads of mental or physical health problems , relationships with persons of the criminal and other dark spots biography, which anyway can affect the human condition .

Each person has their own personal experiences and conflicts , but when they move it to the labor process , as they can lead to a failure state microclimate , quarrels and conflicts among employees. It is very important to catch the face of what is permitted and immediately remove such an employee for a while. Results passing inspection services are provided directly to the customer , while consent for the required from each test subject . All of this is useful to avoid many of the problems relating to the dishonesty of the people of the state. And the ability to protect the company from unplanned sudden financial losses.


The resort we met a guy met a couple of days , and then he left. We did not exchange even address . Just call up on the phone. And then he was gone , and the operator insisted that communication with the subscriber is not possible ((( . Then I suffered even stopped to eat . 's Mom decided to help me find him. We turned to the detective . All I really knew about Andrew , this is his mobilku , old number . detective told us to find a person by phone number is not so easy , but really , and he kept…

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I suspected that his wife was cheating on me . Frankly, such a thought I frequented , because I'm jealous to the horror , but this time it was on the face. I smoked on the balcony and saw that she was taken home by car , not just a car , but on a steep Mazda. I'm on a wheelbarrow in a lifetime does not accumulate . I'm at the door told her about it , but my wife just laughed in response . Escaped with the excuse that I'm paranoid. But I turned to the private investigator . Checking the wife of…

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I helped the agency establish effective internal control in the company, after which I clearly understand who is doing what my employees during working hours and optimized state.

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Surveillance specialists

Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.